
Changelog Key

Please use these categories to communicate changes made to for the following audiences: administrators, content creators, designers, developers, faculty, learners, partners, philanthropic investors, tech support agents, and vendors.

ACTIVATED previously installed feature or plugin.
ADDED new content or learning function.
ALIGNED versions to ensure compatibility.
ARCHIVED content, code, files, and products.
DEACTIVATED plugin or add-on.
DEPRECIATED outdated or unused function.
FIXED bugs or errors.
IMPROVED content or enhanced feature.
INSTALLED plugin or add-on.
OPTIMIZED pages or site for improved performance.
PUBLISHED new course, product, or content.
REMOVED content, code, or plugins.
SECURED site with enhanced cybersecurity features.
TESTED content, functionality, or feature.
UPDATED content, add-ons, or plugins.
UPLOADED new app build
Plugins, BuddyBoss Theme, Platform, App July 8, 2023
Plugins May 31, 2023
Plugins May 31, 2023