Abolitionist Sanctuary

Repair. Restore. Rebuild.

A National
Faith-Based Coalition

Abolitionist Sanctuary is a national faith-based coalition united against the moral crisis of mass incarceration and the criminalization of impoverished Black motherhood.

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Black women and Black mothers are overrepresented in U.S. prisons.

of Black Women represent the U.S. population of women generally
0 %
of all incarcerated women in the United States are Black women
0 %
of incarcerated women
are mothers
0 %

“Black women’s earnings are 63.0% of white, non-Hispanic men’s earnings.” ~ U.S. Department of Labor.

Black women and their families are systemically disadvantaged by structural inequities

Overcoming unjust social conditions to provide for one’s family is not a crime.

2025 Gala: Freedom Futures

You are cordially invited to Abolitionist Sanctuary’s first gala at the historic Riverside Church in New York City on April 12, 2025 at 7pm. Join us for an enchanting evening  to uplift the stories of Black mothers, communal transformation, and a faith-based abolitionist movement.